The weeks been good, and very busy. We've been working almost non-stop every day and I love it. We spent the first half of last week saying goodbye to people, which is fun but sad. Thursday we spent half the day at transfer point, and also had a lot of fun seeing missionaries I haven't seen in a while. It's weird actually knowing people now. Mission culture is strange, but fun.
Elder Hansen is great, and he's starting to get used to the mission life, which is also great. Our first day we set right off going to work. We left his bags and headed out to our first appointment with Dawn. After that we walked to the Ericksons where I had left my bike, then walked to a less-active's, then walked home. We spent about 30 minutes putting Elder Hansen's bike together, then right after our dinner appointment dropped some pizza off (apparently there were some sick kids or parents or something) our ride for our next appointment picked us up. We shoved some pizza in our mouths and bounced off to an active member lesson. After the lesson there, we went over to the Powers, and talked to them for a bit about Family History and getting that started. By the time we got out of there it was a little after nine, and we headed home to finish some cold pizza and go to bed. I thought it was a pretty good first day.
We have both been eternally tired, which is a good indicator that we're working ourselves into the ground, which is also good. The cold is starting to set in, and that makes me sad, but I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Oh, almost forgot to tell you guys that Dawn came to church for the first time on Sunday! It was a little overwhelming for her, but she liked it a lot. As she gets to know people she'll like it more and more. She also brought two of her grandchildren to church with her, so it was awesome to see them have fun and enjoy church. The members here are awesome and so good at making new people feel welcome.
Sorry for the shorter e-mail this week, we've got an appointment in about 45 minutes, and I've still got a few other people to respond to!
I love you all a ton, and can't wait to see you!
Elder Christopher Drake
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