Tommy's baptism was moved to this Saturday instead because of the weather and sick people. So we get to look forward to that. Again!
Another snow storm hit this week, wasn't too happy about that. Well, it was more of an ice storm, and that's what really stinks. The roads are awful and our poor little truck needs tires and windshield wipers really bad. Hooray for red tape!
Cool story for the week:
At a less active's house two weeks ago, we met a lady, Ronita. We shared the lesson that we had prepared about the Book of Mormon, Ronita participated more than this less-active fellow did. At the end of the lesson, we extended the invitation to read the Book of Mormon to both of them, but Ronita responded, "I won't read it, I was always taught it's false doctrine."
Fast forward one week.
So on Friday, we go back, and Ronita is there again! We showed "The Restoration" to them. Ronita actually got up and left because, "In her old church any time there was a video playing it was of starving African children" and she didn't want to see that. So we convinced her to come watch it. Then Eddie, the less-active guy figured out that it was about Joseph Smith and I think he was embarrassed and said "Oh, you probably won't be interested in this." BUT it didn't matter. She wanted a Book of Mormon and if church hadn't have been cancelled she would've come to church.
So that was cool. I always appreciate when people who are open to the Gospel just kind of plop down in front of you. It happens a lot to missionaries.
So that's my story for the week, it was a good deal. I'm ready for Summer though.
Hope you all had a good week!
Love ya,
Elder Christopher Drake
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