Tuesday, March 25, 2014

A Wolf in Pandas' Clothing. Also Hump Day.

I forgot to mention in my last letter (and I owe some of you an apology for this) that everybody from my Zone Leaders on up to the Mission President is very aware of Panda. Apparently President Shumway has said to my Zone Leaders and the Assistants to the President that, "[Panda] is the most difficult companion in the mission...and if he continues to behave the way he does, he will have a new companion every transfer. I wouldn't want to put anybody through more than one transfer with him." I'm right there with him. He told me to call him anytime that I needed him, we've already gone on exchanges with the Assistants (which is not normal unless you are a Zone Leader) and everybody is trying to do what they can to help this kid. I have a ton of support from everybody. I really appreciate the love and concern that you all have given me.

What sucks isn't that he's a wiener, but that there is nothing we can do for him. I used to think that he was just misunderstood, or that there would be some key in getting him to open up, or that over time he would warm up, but those hopes and dreams have long since been smooshed. The best way to describe him, and I'm being 100% honest here, is a shy Narcissist. He's honestly the only person that can help himself, and it makes me very sad because he won't do it. He reminds me of the Prodigal Son a lot, except he's not quite to the eating with pigs part yet - though that's probably not too far off. Hopefully his story has a happy ending too. 

Blergh, what a blast of negative! That's awful! Before I go on, I want you all to know that I am having a blast in Stockton. Yeah, my companion stresses me out, but this area is amazing. Two families and a young man getting ready to be baptized. The people here are so much fun, and so full of love. The place I live in is the sweetest mission digs I've had. I drive a sick truck named Sophronia. Plus the Ericksons took us and the Assistants to Lambert's on Saturday, two days after my hump day! This week was really really awesome. 

I got to spend half the day with Elder Beddes on Friday, and it was like old times, but better. We're both better missionaries, it was cool to teach with him again. 

I also heard from Dawn and Elder Hansen that Nico was ordained to the Aaronic Priesthood, which is freakin awesome. I miss those guys. High five to Nico through e-mail. 

On Saturday we had a ward party, which was a ton of fun. There was a bunch of good food, and we got to see a bunch of good people! A few less-actives, and some investigators were there. I gave a talk on Sunday about the Parable of the lost sheep, and how important it is to go out and find those who are lost. The High Councilor who spoke after me talked all about how there are different degrees of "lost" which was awesome. Our talks complemented each other really well and the Spirit was strong. 

Man, I can't talk enough about how awesome Saturday was. We had waffles with the member family we live with and the Assistants, then split some wood with our ward mission leader, then went to lunch with the Ericksons, came home and taught a less-active guy, went to the ward party and then I prepped my talk. It really was a pretty awesome day to finish off a pretty dang good week. 

While I was studying my scriptures this morning, I came across Ether 12:4, "Wherefore, whoso believeth in God might with surety hope for a better world, yea, even a place at the right hand of God, which hope cometh of faith, maketh an anchor to the souls of men, which would make them sure and steadfast, always abounding in good works, being led to glorify God."

I thought that was a cool uplifting scripture. Keep the faith, keep that anchor strong, right? Keep believing in God with a determination to do good things and never give up hope for the world. There's always a better day ahead we just have to look at it in the right light!

Fam, you guys rock. I miss you all a bunch. If I'm e-mailing you, I miss you. It's so much fun being out here, and you're all in my prayers. Keep being awesome about keeping me posted on the goings on of stuff out wherever you are. It's fun to hear from you. 

Love you, 

Elder Christopher Drake

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