Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Baptism

All right everybody!

So this weekend was the big weekend. The Barland's were baptized and it was a really good service. I was so happy to be a part of it. I got to give the talk on the Holy Ghost, which was weird. I've never given a baptism talk and it's like a lesson to a lot of people at once, instead of a regular talk. I had a lot of fun though. Anne's husband, Jeff came, and said he really enjoyed it. He'll probably be baptized here in a few years. He'll get it. They were confirmed on Sunday, and I also got to particiate in that. Michael, the nine year old, thinks Elder Reese is the best thing ever so Elder Reese baptized and confirmed him. The Spirit was very strong, and I'm grateful that I got to be a part, (admittedly small part) of their conversion. 

Besides the baptism, the week was extremely slow again. It seemed like nothing was working out. This week we are going to be working super hard to find new people to teach. Hopefully we find somebody as awsesome as the Barlands.  

We went tracting in a nice neighborhood out of desperation for people to talk to. We had a little success, but nobody let us in, which is typical these days. We'll be going back to the same neighborhood tomorrow to follow up with some people.

Because there's not much more to talk about as far as happenings here in Bentonville, I want to share a story about a family in the ward from last night. Our dinner cancelled on us and they volunteered to feed us last minute. We really enjoy being around the Ericksons because they're one of those families that really gets the Gospel. It seems like they know how to live a healthy, gospel centered, but also balanced life. They're not super preachy, but they know what's right and they stick to it. They're one of those families that understand that missionaries are real people. Not that they encourage us to be disobedient, but they're genuinely interested in us and what we did before, and what we're doing after the mission. It's very refreshing being in their home, and we go over as often as we can. 

Sister Erickson was talking about the Elder I replaced, Elder Hammit, and told this story about a conversation she had with another sister in the ward. Elder Hammit and his companion before Elder Reese went over for dinner at this other Sister's home. We'll call her sister Jane. Elder Hammit has a Harley-Davidson tattoo on one of his arms, and for some reason showed it to the family. Later, Sister Jane was talking to Sister Erickson and said, "I don't want my children to see that; it just makes them think it's okay to have tattoos and things like that." Sister Erickson responded, "No, it shows them that the Atonement is real, and that it works." 

As a sinner, I really appreciated that comment. What a refreshing perspective to have. It is so overwhelmingly easy to get caught up in what others do wrong, especially if it's easily noticed. It is so easy to judge other people and condemn them for the wrong things they do, while ignoring your own faults. Henry B. Eyring said, "Where people have [The Holy Ghost] with them, we may expect harmony. The Spirit puts the testimony of truth in our hearts...The Spirit of God never generates contention. It never generates feelings of distinctions between people which lead to strife. It leads to personal peace and a feeling of union with others." How true that statement is. I am so grateful for the opportunity that I have to bring people closer to Jesus Christ. If we all adopted this attidtude, how much more Christlike we would be, and how much better the world would be. We all have a chance to be better, and that's what matters most. The Atonement of Jesus Christ is real, and it works. 

I love and miss you all so much. I hope you have a good week, you're in my prayers. 

Elder Christopher Drake

So here are a few pictures! 

The first one is the Barlands right after their baptism. From left to right, Me, Anne, Michael, Dylan, and Elder Reese

The Second one is of my Zone from last transfer. We had a Nerf battle. Elder Reese and I did not get the memo until it was to late so we were in our proselyting clothes. Elder Harrell got cut of for some reason. I have no idea why he was standing three feet away from the group.

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