However, I am being transferred again. And so is Elder Dickson.
Little Flock ward has now been shotgunned three transfers in a row.
The good news is Elder Allred is coming in and is training. He broke the news to me before my Zone Leaders did. That's what they get for waiting until 9:50 to break such terrible news to us.
So that's a bummer. I'm going to Rolla, Missouri and Elder Dickson is going to Prairie Grove Arkansas. It'll be fun adventures ahoy. Good news is Rolla has a truck. Just in time for the worst part of summer. Hopefully it has a Walmart though, unlike Stockton.
We did exchanges back to back this week, and we're supposed to do one before transfers but not sure if that's going to happen now. Weren't exactly expecting to have the new elders in the district transferred along with one of the elders that reopened a closed area 4 weeks into the transfer. Oh, the mission drama.
On Thursday I went to Pea Ridge with Elder Harrison. He's an interesting guy. He's from North Pole, Alaska, so that's cool. He's not very good at biking uphill, and the bike I was using was very janky and didn't like to do anything right. A few times he'd cruise down a big hill and I'd keep up as best I could because if you pedal too hard, the chain slips on Elder Howard's (the missionary that I swapped with) bike. Then I'd shift into the lowest gear I could to get up the hill without losing momentum thanks to the slipping chain and sure enough Elder Harrison would be almost stopped and then then it would just be bad news bears from there.
We did see a sweet investigator named Marty though. He doesn't want to commit to a date to be baptized, but he'll get there.
Later, I learned how to play Scarborough Fair on Elder Harrison's guitar which he just decided to get last week so he could learn to play guitar. He's coming along.
Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyyyme
On Friday I went on exchanges with Elder Magna, one of the Spanish missionaries. It was nice because they have a car, but I also don't speak Spanish, so that made lessons a little hard to stay awake in. I did get to read from El Libro de Mormon though and I felt cool. I think my new favorite word is sacerdocio. I think it means priesthood. Well, it means priesthood in Portuguese, because I remember a friend writing to me about that. Who knows what it means in Spanish.
Remember that guy who has an RX-7? Well he's totally awesome. His name is Chad. He's super busy, but he wants to come to church and all that cool stuff. It's one of those "Hey gimme all your info so I can call you" cases though, and that's super bummer as a missionary because even though we can tell he wants to learn more, it just feels like he's putting us off, but really he's just crazy busy. We compromised with the "If we don't hear from you, is it okay if we stop by next week?" I'm really bummed we couldn't become best friends and drive our RX-7s to the temple together or something.
Oh yeah, here's a picture of Elder Magana and I at Chik-Fil-A
Apparently they have "Cow Appreciation Day" and if you dress up like a cow you can get any meal on the menu FOR FREES. I don't know if it's every July 11th, but if it is, my goal is to find a city that has both a 7-11 and a Chik-Fil-A and get a free Slurpee and a free meal.
Love you peeps, have a good one!
Elder Christopher Drake
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