Monday, July 7, 2014

July 7th

This morning started off much like any other, but just outside of my scope of reality lay in wait a book that would change me forever. As I walked into the library, where my fellows joined me, I saw it. Quietly displayed on a shelf for the curious soul to behold. My eyes caught the cover. Confused for a moment, I gazed upon it, and something deep in my soul stirred. "What is this new devilry?" I pondered, and hesitantly approached it. It beckoned to me, almost calling my name. With shaking hands I picked it up. Almost not daring to open it, I stole a furtive glance over my shoulder. Finally, my curiosity triumphed and the book fell open in my hands. It's pages read, 

VADER    If thou but knewest all the power of
               The dark side. Obi-Wan hath never told
               Thee of what happen'd to thy father, Luke
LUKE       O, he hath spoken much. And he hath told
               Me of the truth--that thou didst slay him, aye, 
               And without cause or mercy, murderer
               Most vile and wretched!
VADER                       --No, I am thy father.

100 million brownie points to the person who gives me a copy of "William Shakespeare's The Empire Striketh Back: Star Wars Part the Fifth" when I get home. I haven't read it and I'm pretty sure it's already my favorite book of all time. 

Anyway, Star Wars aside, we had a super week full of back to back double header exchanges, the fall of one of our most precious investigators contrasted by another soul rising from the ashes of old age, and also Monopoly. Oh and fireworks. 

Happy Independence Day, by the way. 

We played Monopoly on Monday and I won for the first time! It turns out that when you're older than 8, have at least three more people to play with you, and also play by all the rules, Monopoly can be quite fun. 

We all thought Elder Dickson would be the champion, but alas! he fell into my clutches when his dice betrayed him and placed his top hat on States Avenue and the hotel which resided thereon. The old adage is true, "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." Elder Dickson's tears only fueled my thirst for power as his assets became mine as a result of his unforgiven debt. I mercilessly placed houses and hotels on the properties which had so recently fallen into my possession, and Elder Arroyo was helpless to resist. 

That's pretty much a preparation day in the Little Flock district. 

On Tuesday, we went and tried to see Dale and Maddie, the Nova guy. Maddie wasn't there, and Dale had just heard a few hours prior to our arrival that a good friend of his had terminal cancer. =/ Unfortunately, he wasn't too interested in talking more about what we believe, and was insistent that he wouldn't "convert or nothin'" However, there still lies a glimmer of hope with his daughter. She's just super busy. 

On Wednesday and Thursday we were on exchanges. Double headers are rough, but fun. I stayed on Wednesday and worked with Elder Howard from Pea Ridge, and on Thursday I worked with Elder Trantham (whom I came out with) in Rogers 1st ward. Exchanges were...interesting. Rogers 1st was also shotgunned, but after their area was closed a week and a half into the transfer, and reopened on the third week. It was also Elder Tranthams first week back after recovering from a broken leg from falling off a tractor three months ago. We didn't do a whole lot. After about two hours of stopping by people with no luck (remember this was the 3rd of July) Elder Trantham said, "Well, I don't know what to do now." So I bought some Swedish Fish, and a new pair of socks with my Target gift card and we tried to stop by a few more people after that. Luckily we had dinner at 6 and something to do after dinner. Poor guys. 

Oh, also, I forgot to mention that while on exchanges the previous day with Elder Howard, I offered Elder Dickson's and Elder Bulpitt's services to a less-active fellow. They mowed his lawn (with an old fashioned push mower. You know, the kind without a motor) and also trimmed up some of the grass around the fence and his trees (with scissors). Good times. 

On Idependence Day, we didn't do a whole lot. Nobody was really home, and if they were they weren't really wanting to talk to us. After dinner, we went to Bentonville, courtesy of the Ericksons and thanks to the Zone Leaders for permission. I sat in a lawn chair and kept my best friend, Sam the Labrador/Shar-Pei mix, from assaulting Elder Arroyo who doesn't like dogs. Elder Dickson got chiggers and talked (or rather listened) to a 5 year old for two and a half hours. They became best friends. Good times were had. 

On Sunday, we had an awesome lesson with our old lady friend, Vonnie, and a Wal-Mart intern who was our exchange for the night. We talked about the Spirit World, and all of that wonderful stuff. After the closing prayer she said, 

"Well I gotta open up a can of worms before you go."
"All right, let's have it," we replied.
"So tell me what the deal is with polygamy and all that weird stuff."
"That's a great question! The short answer is we don't practice that anymore, and anybody who does is excommunicated. There's a long answer, and if you like we can share it with you next time."
"Nope, I don't need to know anything more than that you don't do it anymore."

People are fun. 

That's about the whole of my week. I love y'alls and hope you have a splendid week! 

Elder Christopher Drake

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