In order from Most awesome to not as awesome:
1) Margaret's baptism
2) Free Tiger
3) Awesome lessons with investigators
4) Elder Allred being....assaulted by an investigator's wiener dog
5) Haircuts
6) Eating "healthy" and exercising and stuff
Margaret is awesome. She was baptized. And then she made us cobbler on Sunday. She's sweet though, I'll send along a picture or two because I'm repenting and stuff.
On Saturday, after the baptism, we drove down the main street and this tiger that has been sitting in front of someone's house forever has a sign on it saying "FREE RING DOORBELL" so of course we rang the doorbell. Turns out this tiger is made of concrete. Too late, we already committed so here we go. Now we have a huge concrete tiger in the back of our truck and everyone gives us weird looks. We're going to let an investigator family adopt him they just don't know about it yet.
Our Fundie friends have been doing great, as always, just waiting, as always. We're working on getting one family in particular - Melvin and Nikita Williams and their kids. We love them. They're so much fun and just awesome and need to be baptized already, but it's hard for them. That's a big decision and they could get a lot of flack for it. Lucky for them the Church is true. We're hoping the tiger will help them along a little.
Speaking of Melvin and Nikita they got a wiener dog, which is weird, because farm people don't usually have inside dogs. His name is Jack and he's sweet. He got a little inappropriate with Elder Allred though. I tried to warm him, but apparently Elder Allred has never had to deal with such forward dogs and so didn't really get what was happening at first. It was a good laugh. Oh Jack!
We got haircuts and I look fly. Working on that pompadour.
Well I hope that you all are doing super duper awesome and stuff. Things are just plugging right along here.
Oh! I almost forgot! Geeze, and it's even in my subject line, how embarrassing. Okay, so we went to High Priests quorum on Sunday because of reasons. Holy moly. We walk in late and immediately we can feel that somethings not quite right. We just figure it's old man awkwardness, but the brother who's giving the lesson is going off on craaaazy stuff like plural marriage and stuff. He even gave us a handout that told us to "refer to the revelations given to John Taylor that were not canonized in 18--" something or other. Everyone was just confused and finally, a brother said, "You're preaching false doctrine. There is a strange spirit in this room and you should stop." and then the rest of the lesson became kind of a struggle between the teacher and the high priests trying to convince him that he shouldn't be teaching from anything but the scriptures and the approved manuals for class. So that was fun. Moral of the story: If you're old and crazy don't teach your old and crazy ideas at church.
Love you all, hope you're awesome as always, and hope you're enjoying the warmth as much as I am. If it's not warm where you are, I'm sorry and hope it warms up for you.
Elder Christopher Drake
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