Good week, good week. Lots of cool stuff. We're teaching a bunch of peeps and it's awesome. President Shumway came upon Thursday and interviewed 6 of our investigators for polygamist reasons. We've also got two more that we're going to invite to be baptized. It's pretty sweet.
Also, we have another investigator, Margaret, who is stinkin sweet. She's living with a member family right now, the Brigances, because her ex-husband is cray cray. She wants to be baptized and stuff so that's awesome. We just started teaching her this week. Hopefully we'll set a date for her baptism this week and get things rolling.
On Sunday we were lost as to who to see after conference, so we went to a Southern Baptist service. Turns out their sign was wrong, and we were 50 minutes late instead of 10 minutes early. It was a good sermon though and people were very friendly. It was about evangelizing, which is what we get to do all day every day! Good stuff.
Conference was awesome as usual. I was very impressed with Elder Andersen's talk this year. He's getting in the groove of being an apostle I guess. So many other talks were so good. It was neat to see how well all of the talks mesh together and how they actually talked about the same things if you listened right. I guess every conference is like that, I just didn't really pay attention before my mission. Good thing I went on a mission so I could learn to listen to the prophet.
Welp. That's about all for this week that I can remember.
Oh wait, I asked Elder Allred and now I remember a couple more things.
On Thursday, after we taught our Book of Mormon class, we went to a cooking class! It was sweet. Plus we got free food. We're going back tomorrow and we're going to cook some more. Being out on the Ranch has been such a great experience. The people are really friendly, which is kind of weird, but I'm not going to complain because they need the truth more than anybody! At basketball on Friday we had another lady approach us, Cherie, who basically told us that she wants to learn more and it was sweet. Her son-in-law is marrying his second wife this weekend. We were invited to the wedding but will probably be going to Greenwood for a baptism, unfortunately. Anyway, Cherie's daughter is not too happy about it all, surprise surprise. And what can you do? Her religion teaches that she has to do it basically. Well not has to, but they basically say, "You don't have to be in a plural marriage, but if you're not you're not going to inherit the highest degree of glory in the hereafter." Societal pressures make agency a little bit harder especially when truth is distorted and your religious leaders are in a state of apostasy.
Just sayin. Keep peeps in your prayers.
All right folks. Time to go. I lerve you, I miss you, and I'm hungry.
Elder Christopher Drake
I forgot.
This is Steve, our horse. We keep him in a field in El Dorado because we just don't have the space in our trailer for a horse. The disadvantage is we only get to see him on Fridays to feed him carrots.
I'm still not super comfortable being around giant vicious man-eating, shark-eyed, creepy-teethed horses, but maybe one of these days...
Elder Christopher Drake
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