Hey everybody! I'll be here in Harrison for at least six more weeks.
Things are going well as usual, nothing too interesting or new to report.
Yesterday Elder Aubry gave a talk, and we invited just about everybody we saw to come to it. Only one family came, but I'll talk about them later. Some Scout Troop from Houston showed up and pretty much doubled our ward. It was awesome getting to see a bunch of deacons who weren't even members of our ward help pass the sacrament. Typically Elder Aubry and I have to help pass or bless plus one other member from the congregation sometimes, but neither of us had to this week. I kept smiling because it was so fun to see our tiny little chapel so full.
A lot of people are mad at The Food Network for dropping Paula Deen. One older lady told us how she just used the "n-word" the other day. It's just a different way of life down here. The South is crazy. Whoever told me it's about as foreign as you can get inside the States was 100% right.
Elder Aubry and I are continuing to try and find new people, but it's super difficult out here. It's quite a challenge, but on occasion we manage to find somebody. This week, Matt Renner called us and asked for a blessing. Not a sick blessing but a counsel blessing. I don't what it is about people down here, but for some reason they have faith in the priesthood but not in church attendance. It confuses the heck out of me. But anyway, we went over and gave him a blessing. Elder Aubry gave the blessing and it was very bold and powerful. In the blessing, he was prompted to say basically, "you need to come back to church, you can figure this out on your own, but there is an easier way and you already know it." It was pretty sweet. I was skeptical, but sure enough they showed up on Sunday! They only stayed for Sacrament, but I was very happy to see them there and the ward was very friendly. His wife (or at least I think it's her wife) is not a member, but is super duper nice. Hopefully we can get them coming out to church and really help them find the gospel. I've already seen it change so many people, it makes me happy just thinking about it. Sometimes it's incredibly easy to get caught up in the "numbers" of lessons or people we're teaching, but the thing of it all, is if I leave here with only getting to be a part of the Powers's conversion, I will leave the mission a happy man because I can see how much happier they are.
Talk to you guys next week!
Elder Christopher Drake
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